Earn discounts for recyclING USED CONTAINERS!
Return your used jars and joint tubes purchased from Kushfly! Simply give them to your driver to recycle for you, and they will discount your order on the spot.
Glass jars/tubes are worth $0.50 for each qualifying item and plastic joint tubes are worth $0.25.
*Items must be purchased from Kushfly to qualify for discount. Due to carrying restrictions, the driver can only accept a maximum up to $10 recycle value per delivery.
About Kushfly Recycling Rewards
Receive an instant discount on your Kushfly order when you return your empty jars and/or tubes to your driver. Enjoy the extra discount and let us do the recycling for you!
Recycle 3.5g Flower Jars, Receive $0.50 Recycle Value Recycle Glass Joint Tubes, Receive $0.50 Recycle Value Recycle Plastic Joint Tubes, Receive $0.25 Recycle Value All sales with recycle must still hit the minimum delivery requirement.
How can I receive recycling rewards?
Do not throw away your empty jars and joint tubes! Let our drivers collect them and recycle for you. When you have an order from Kushfly, return recycling items to Kushfly driver. Your driver will subtract the total rewards value from your order total instantly. Remember that your order total still needs to hit the order minimum to be accepted.
I have bunch of jars and tubes. Can I recycle all of them?
Because our drivers have limited space, they won’t be able to accept more than a certain amount at one time (Maximum 40 plastic tubes or 20 glass jar/tubes = Maximum $10 discount.) You can still recycle any remaining items on your next order.
Is there any minimum to be qualified for recycling rewards?
Depending on your delivery zone, you still must hit the delivery minimum to use the recycling program. However, there’s no minimum recycle value required to be qualified for rewards. You can recycle your empty jars and tubes to receive a discount on any order. You can mix and match glass/plastic as long as it hits the $10 max discount.
I have empty jars and tubes from other store. Can I recycle them?
Only jars and joint tubes from the brands sold and purchased from Kushfly are qualified. Other brands or products purchased from other stores are not qualified for Kushfly’s recycling rewards program.