
What is Rosin?

REZN Premium Rosin Do-Si-Dos

What is Rosin? Overview

The non-technical answer is that it is a cannabis concentrate, which means that it is a highly potent extraction of cannabis oils from the cannabis plant.

Rosin has emerged as a cornerstone in the cannabis industry, revered for its purity, potency, and versatility. This solventless extract, derived through a combination of heat and pressure, represents a paradigm shift in cannabis product development. Its significance lies in the ability to harness the plant’s full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, offering a richer and more authentic experience.

Scientific Definition of Rosin

Cannabis rosin is the solid form of resin from the cannabis plant. Resin is the liquid that is found inside the cannabis plant, which contains terpenes; when you extract the resin from the cannabis, you bring out the terpenes (in other words, the oils and waxes — the potent essence of the plant) in a liquid form.

When you heat that liquid and apply pressure to it, it becomes solid, and that solid form is rosin. Rosin is brittle at room temperature, but becomes a melty, wax-like solid when heated up.

Rosin, in it’s melty, wax-like form, is sometimes also called “dabs” because of how it is enjoyed. “Dabbing” is a popular trend for enjoying rosin, by dabbing the rosin on a heated surface and inhaling the vapors. But we’ll describe that in more detail a little bit later in this post.

How Rosin Is Made

So, now we know that rosin is the final stage of a process that involves a cannabis plant and its resin. But how it gets from start to finish is the really cool part.

Rosin is a form of cannabis concentrate that can be extracted from the plant without using any solvent whatsoever. Most other concentrates and extractions require some kind of solvent to release the oils from the cannabis plant — you can use pure ingredients like ethanol (that’s what we do for our vape oils!) or more harsh chemicals like butane or polyglycol — but to extract rosin from the cannabis plant, all you need is a little heat and a little pressure.

Some producers still use butane to create their dabs, choosing to use the chemical for hash oil extraction, instead of simply relying on the pure power of heat and pressure. Butane-extracted products are best to be avoided.

With lax testing and regulation, it is still too easy for producers to accidentally leave some butane on the rosin you eventually buy, meaning you’re ingesting flammable, toxic chemicals along with your cannabis.


The journey of creating rosin starts with selecting high-quality cannabis flowers or hash. These materials are then subjected to controlled heat and significant pressure, coaxing out a golden, terpene-rich resin. This process, void of solvents, ensures a product that is not only potent but also free of impurities and residual chemicals, making it a healthier choice for consumers.

Temperature Control

Temperature plays a pivotal role in rosin production. Lower temperatures (around 160-190°F) tend to yield a more flavorful, terpene-rich rosin, while higher temperatures (220°F and above) increase yield but can compromise flavor and potency.

Pressure and Time

The pressure applied during extraction varies, but typically falls between 550-1000 PSI. Time is also crucial, with most extractions lasting between 45 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the material and desired outcome.

Why Consumers Choose Rosin

Rosin’s appeal lies in its simplicity and purity. As a solventless product, it is seen as a safer, more natural alternative to other extracts. The absence of solvents like butane or CO2 in its production reassures health-conscious consumers about what they are ingesting.

The Flavor Profile

The preservation of terpenes in rosin results in a robust, complex flavor profile, making it a favorite among cannabis connoisseurs. Each strain’s unique characteristics are more pronounced in rosin, offering a true-to-plant experience.

Potency and Versatility

Rosin is not only flavorful but also incredibly potent, often containing a higher percentage of cannabinoids compared to other extracts. This potency, coupled with its versatility in various applications (dabbing, edibles, topicals), makes it a versatile choice for both recreational and medicinal users.

Consuming Rosin: Methods and Tips


Dabbing is the most popular method for consuming rosin. It involves vaporizing the concentrate on a hot surface and inhaling the vapor.


  • Dab Rig
  • Nail or Banger
  • Torch or E-Nail
  • Dab Tool


  1. Heat the nail with a torch until it’s red-hot.
  2. Let it cool for a few seconds for optimal temperature.
  3. Use the dab tool to place rosin on the nail and inhale the vapor.

Other Methods

  • Vaporizing: Using a vaporizer designed for concentrates.
  • Infusion: Incorporating rosin into edibles for an ingestible experience.

How To Enjoy Rosin

Most people who use rosin prefer a method called “dabbing”.

If you’ve never heard that before, here’s a quick rundown: to dab, a user takes a metal surface (commonly a nail head) and heats it up with a blowtorch. Once the nail head is nice and hot, the user then places a “dab” — usually a small amount of rosin, or another extract — onto the nail head, which creates a vapor that the user then inhales.

You can also use a vaporizer or a water pipe to enjoy rosin as well, since both of those options allow you to place the “dab” of rosin on a heated metal or glass surface. The most important part is getting the surface hot enough to cause the dab to release the vapor.

In addition, some people simply smoke the rosin or mix it in with regular cannabis buds when smoking. The choice is yours!

Why Is Rosin So Popular?

Rosin has been enjoying a steep rise in popularity recently, primarily because of its intense potency. Because rosin is a cannabis concentrate — and a highly potent one, at that — it can have extremely strong effects on users.

Some rosins can have as much as 90% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol — the primary ingredient in marijuana that makes you feel “high”), which means they have a potency like almost no other cannabis product.

With that said, if you are a beginner, you might want to ease into marijuana by trying something less intense at first; however, for experienced users, rosin provides a profound experience that is also highly efficient and totally natural.

How To Make Sure You Ingest Rosin Safely

As we said before, rosin is intense stuff. It’s great for experienced users who are seeking a more intense high, but for a beginner or infrequent cannabis user, it can be way, way too much.

While it is impossible to overdose on marijuana, unlike other drugs, many first-time users of rosin have experienced reactions that made them feel like they were overdosing. Dabbing is no joke, so make sure you are prepared before you try it.

You should be an experienced cannabis user, and you should make sure that you have the cleanest product possible. Don’t use butane hash oil for dabbing; instead, seek out a naturally produced rosin from an ethical producer. Butane-extracted products can have nasty chemicals left over on them that you don’t want in your body.

If you’re not sure that rosins and dabbing are right for you, fear not! There are so many options out there for you to enjoy, including other cannabis concentrates that pack a slightly more manageable punch. Check out vape oils and bubble hash for a first step into the world of concentrates. No matter what you try, you are sure to have an informative, elevating experience.

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